Ophthalmic laser / for trabeculoplasty / solid-state / tabletop SOLUTIS SLT Quantel Medical

Ophthalmic laser / for trabeculoplasty / solid-state / tabletop SOLUTIS SLT Quantel Medical

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532nm SLT Laser SLT Glaucoma Therapy Laser SoLuTis is a Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty using a Q-switched 532nm (SLT) that adapts to Haag Streit type slit lamps. It offers an excellent alternative to eye drops, surgery and classic laser procedures, improving glaucoma treatment for both patient and physician. The SLT procedure is characterized by its absence of thermal effects: it comes to photoregeneration. Using a green 532nm wavelenlength selectively absorbed by pigmented cells, the SLT therapy consist in delivering large laser impacts (400µm) within an extremely short duration (0,000000004 sec). This specific treatment settings limit the heat-related damage and preserve the trabecular meshwork. Selective laser trabeculoplasty is an efficient non-invasive glaucoma laser treatment, used more and more as a first-line therapy, and is as effective as the « classic laser treatments » but repeatable over the time. An easy and fast (5 minutes) treatment procedure, resolving patient compliance issues and also reimbursed by most insurance policies. Main characteristics: - SLT Laser - Short duration exposure (4ns) with a large spot size (400µm) - Primary or adjunct glaucoma therapy - Simple, fast and repeatable laser procedure - Painless and non-invasive treatment - No compliance issues - Portable, clips-on to your slit lamp
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601 Haggerty Ln,
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