Ophthalmic laser / for retinal photocoagulation / solid-state / tabletop VITRA MULTISPOT 532 nm Quantel Medical

Ophthalmic laser / for retinal photocoagulation / solid-state / tabletop VITRA MULTISPOT 532 nm Quantel Medical

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532nm Multispot Laser New Generation of 532nm Multispot Photocoagulator Vitra Multispot is a green 532nm multispot photocoagulator laser that adapts to Haag Streit type Slit lamps. It offers a large choice of « patterns » with adapted parameters improving treatment for both patient and physician. One pattern is available for each treatment. Short pulse durations (10-20ms) allows an extremely fast and comfortable treatment, better tolerated by patients (full PRP in 2 sessions only). Main characteristics: - Green 532nm multispot photocoagulator laser for PRP - 1 pattern for each pathology: squares, lines, triple arcs, circles, monospot - Pattern-click control wheel - Quick, simple and efficient laser treatment - Better comfort for both patient and physician
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601 Haggerty Ln,
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