Ophthalmic laser / for retinal photocoagulation / solid-state / tabletop SUPRA SCAN 577 Quantel Medical

Ophthalmic laser / for retinal photocoagulation / solid-state / tabletop SUPRA SCAN 577 Quantel Medical

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Laser Multispot and MicroPulseTM 577nm The new Retina Laser Therapy Supra Scan is a 577nm yellow laser that adapts to Haag Streit type slit lamps. It offers a large choice of treatment settings well adapted to traditional treatments, pattern scan laser treatments and to the new MicroPulseTM subthreshold laser therapies. Ideal for an efficient and secured retina reatment, the use of the 577nm yellow wavelength is perfectly absorbed by both melanin and oxyhemoglobin, with an excellent penetration through cataracts and hazy media, and is poorly absorbed by macular xanthophylls pigments. Supra Scan 577nm provides a large choice of « patterns » with adapted parameters improving treatment for both patient and physician. One pattern is available for each treatment. Short pulse durations (10-20ms) allows an extremely fastand comfortable treatment, better tolerated by patients (full PRP in 2 sessions only). Exclusive RESUME feature gives the possibility to deliver a pattern in several steps or to resume the pattern delivery where the treatment was paused. Supra Scan 577nm also have a MicroPulseTM mode for tissue sparing treatment, avoiding scarring. Composed of a train of extremely short microsecond pulses this subthreshold treatment option is generating more and more interest among retinal physicians because it affords new laser treatment options for many pathologies such as diabetic macular edema and central serous retinopathy. Main characteristics: - True yellow 577nm wavelength - Versatile multispot pattern scanning laser - MicroPulseTM emission mode for subthreshold laser therapies - Exclusive Resume feature
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601 Haggerty Ln,
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