Non-mydriatic retinal camera (ophthalmic examination) SMARTSCOPE PRO EY4 Optomed Oy (Ltd.)

Non-mydriatic retinal camera (ophthalmic examination) SMARTSCOPE PRO EY4 Optomed Oy (Ltd.)

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Retinal module Smartscope PRO EY4 enables non-mydriatic eye fundus examination through undilated pupil, and allows acquisition of images during screening for diabetes and other vision-threatening diseases. It has a low flash exposure that minimizes the patient discomfort. It brings a more stationary setup due to the Slit Lamp Adapter where the camera can be fitted to any Slit Lamp while the patient's head is on rest. Some of its features include: accurate and silent auto-focus and shoot, a field of view 40 degrees, Diopter compensation -20D to +20D, etc. It provides an optical resolution of 60 lp/mm (ISO 10940:2009) and weighs 300g.
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