Medical software / personal records H+Med Polymedis

Medical software / personal records H+Med Polymedis

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The medical record allows doctors to completely manage their application regarding admissions, consultations and technical procedures. It's a customizable solution that can be optimized by the doctors themselves without any prior knowledge of computing. The record is very user friendly and flexible allowing doctors to work according to their habits. The record allows coding of diagnoses for the RCM/MVG. List of general concepts Medical portal centralizing all the actions of doctors and their related patients A structured medical history and/or customizable according to their habits Clinical notes / clinical exams Patient contact allowing data entry in different clinical situations A powerful system of protocols to assist the practitioner Customizable record by specialty Direct mail and document editing (discharge letter, certificates,...) Navigation in medical data (from version 1.7) Reading of important nursing data (requires H+Nurse) Automatic transmission of medical orders
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37, Saria Ibnou Zounaim Quartier Palmier,
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