Management software / medical / for hospitals H+Nurse Polymedis

Management software / medical / for hospitals H+Nurse Polymedis

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H+Nurse is a modern, complete solution : nursing interventions, nursing anamnesis, specific follow up, care plans, a fully integrated and shared paramedic record... all adapted for your everyday use. The H+Nurse module automates the translation of nursing data in items of the DI-RHM/VG-MZG for Belgian hospitals. With a very ergonomic design, the different input screens will guide you through the documentation of your patient care. The Paramedical module is an option of the Nursing Record, allowing users such as physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers or dietitians to work in a common platform where each participant defines the shared part of its information.
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37, Saria Ibnou Zounaim Quartier Palmier,
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