Laparoscopic forceps / articulated SILS™ Clinch, SILS™ Clinch XL Covidien

Laparoscopic forceps / articulated SILS™ Clinch, SILS™ Clinch XL Covidien
SILS™ Clinch, SILS™ Clinch XL

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The SILS™ Hand Instrument line represents an exciting advancement in endoscopic tissue manipulation. All four new instruments have been designed to enhance the surgeon's flexibility and visualization when performing SILS™ procedures. While the new line has the potential to revolutionize surgical instrumentation, the design is intuitive enough to allow surgeons and nurses to quickly master the operation of the instruments. SILS™ Clinch offers a ratcheting ability which allows the jaws to be locked onto tissue Allows instrument to maintain tissue grasp without continuous handle squeeze
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150 Glover Ave,
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