Height-adjustable desk / for healthcare facilities Genesis KI

Height-adjustable desk / for healthcare facilities Genesis KI

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The Genesis desking system is the origin of total desktop adjustability, functionality and user-comfort. This freestanding desking system offers amazing adjustable table height options for all budgets and looks - classic or contemporary. KI understands the traditional 29-inch desk just isn't ideal for everyone. According to SpineUniverse.com, experts recommend improving working posture and equipment design to minimize back injuries. By alternating between sitting and standing, you can increase postural variety and reduce postural and static muscle fatigue. Genesis desking offers custom control in three ways. The very affordable pin-adjustable option has a spring-loaded pin that lets you raise or lower table height from 24" to 31". Crank adjustable allows users to adjust the height from 22" to 43". For effortless control, the electronic adjustable option allows you to move from 24" to 51" with the push of a button, and you can save up to four preferred settings. With all this versatility at your fingertips, you can easily take Genesis desking from sitting to standing heights throughout the day. Countless options for this desking system encourage dynamic thinking and work styles.
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