Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / magnetic field generator / photostimulation laser / 2-channel Etius LM ASTAR

Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / magnetic field generator / photostimulation laser / 2-channel Etius LM ASTAR
Etius LM

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The Etius LM is a multi functional physiotherapy unit that is appointed with two separate treatment channels and proves useful for several applications to include electrotherapy, focused magnetotherapy and low level laser therapy. Equipped with 301 preset treatment procedures, the Etius LM is an edge above its competition thanks tot eh plethora of treatment programs that are integrated with connected applicators. This makes it easy for the therapist to select the appropriate parameters to suit the stage and typw of the disease. The Etius LM is extremely versatile in that it allows users to perform several treatments at a time and with two patients. Moreover, the Etius LM features dedicated modes, with the use of several different optical fiber applications to accelerate the effectiveness of treatments. Lastly, the Etius LM ia also appointed with an easy customizable and concise list of favorite programs and stores in memory the most frequently used applications.
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Strazacka 81 Str,
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