Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / TENS / 2-channel BASIC+TENS Tic Medizintechnik

Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / TENS / 2-channel BASIC+TENS Tic Medizintechnik

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The alternative to pain drugs The BASIC+TENS system uses Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and is intended for the home therapy of chronic pain conditions, the cause of which cannot be influenced. It can involve local pain or general pain. With BASIC+TENS it is possible to achieve inhibition of pain transduction to the brain (in accordance with the gate control theory) as well as increased release of endogenous pain inhibitors (e.g. endorphins).
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Endelner Feld 9,
46286 Dorsten
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