Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / perineal electro-stimulation / 1-channel syntic Tic Medizintechnik

Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / perineal electro-stimulation / 1-channel syntic Tic Medizintechnik

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syntic - combination therapy Electrical stimulation & biofeedback syntic makes it possible to treat the patient?s incontinence with a combination of electrical stimulation and biofeedback, thus providing the option of treating all types of incontinence. During therapy sessions the patient?s awareness of the groups of muscles affected is enhanced by electrical stimulation, which simultaneously strengthens muscle fibres. Within the scope of the biofeedback function the patient tenses the groups of muscles affected himself and receives visual feedback (in the form of a bar chain) regarding the intensity of contraction. The two elements of therapy jointly contribute to an exceptionally good therapeutic outcome. The patient strengthens the weakened groups of muscles and regains his continence. Possible indications Stress incontinence I°-II° Faecal incontinence I° etc.
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Endelner Feld 9,
46286 Dorsten
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