Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / perineal electro-stimulation / FES SaneoCARE Tic Medizintechnik

Electro-stimulator (physiotherapy) / hand-held / perineal electro-stimulation / FES SaneoCARE Tic Medizintechnik

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How to feel safe - Pelvic floor muscle training for the treatment of incontinence Over the years, Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) has evolved to become a kind of reference standard for the conservative treatment of many types of incontinence. In principle, the weakened musculature of the pelvic floor is strengthened by electrical pulses and the patient?s awareness of the groups of muscles affected is enhanced (stress incontinence). Treatment of urge incontinence exploits the inhibiting effect of certain types of current on bladder activity. Due to different stimulation pulses and two channels that are separate from one another it is possible to simultaneously treat two therapy applications in one session. Due to different stimulation pulses and two channels that are separate from one another it is possible to simultaneously treat two therapy applications in one session. For this purpose consult your attending physician.
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Endelner Feld 9,
46286 Dorsten
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