Design software / data management / analysis / reporting Q-Station Philips Healthcare

Design software / data management / analysis / reporting Q-Station Philips Healthcare

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Cardiac workstation software Philips new Q-Station workflow software enables you to streamline your echocardiography data management, and perform advanced analysis and quantification of Philips echo data. Q-Station combines a suite of capabilities for a full range of off-cart functions, allowing you to design workflow around your needs. Q-Station is cardiac workstation software ideal for: Reviewing echo and stress echo exams Analyzing 2D and 3D image data using QLAB plug-ins Saving secondary captures of QLAB 2D and 3D images Wall motion scoring using 17-segment model Reviewing measurements made on the cart Integrating ECG results from Philips StressVue systems Reporting findings and comments Saving results to connected devices
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Veenpluis 6,
5684 PC Best
+49 40 28990

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