Planning software / medical / oncology / for radiation therapy Pinnacle³ 9.8 Philips Healthcare

Planning software / medical / oncology / for radiation therapy Pinnacle³ 9.8 Philips Healthcare
Pinnacle³ 9.8

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Experience the performance Improve your workflow with faster dose computation speeds and new features. The role of dose computation speed in the treatment planning process is now more important than ever. As sophisticated techniques like VMAT grow in popularity, it has become evident that these advanced applications can require significant calculation power. Pinnacle3 9.8 combines a new suite of speed enhancements, features, and stability improvements to improve your workflow and make the most of your latest system upgrades. Key advantages: Reduced planning time Pinnacle3 9.8 achieves dramatically improved dose computation speeds - in some cases by more than 300%. The Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition (CCCS ) kernel has been re-factored to increase processor multi-threading. This results in faster dose calculation to maximize existing system hardware and future upgrades to Professional, Expert and SmartEnterprise systems. Pinnacle3 9.8 increases speed independently of machine model or beam type, without changes to dose engine algo rithms or accuracy, and without disruptions to your clinic or planning workflow.
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Veenpluis 6,
5684 PC Best
+49 40 28990

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