Cysto-urethroscope endoscope / with working channel / rigid / pediatric MIDI-size Richard Wolf

Cysto-urethroscope endoscope / with working channel / rigid / pediatric MIDI-size Richard Wolf

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Endoscopes for small children up to adolescent The individually adjusted instrument size is one of the key prerequisites for atraumatic endoscopy. Particularly in pediatric urology, the risk of lesions to the mucosal lining in the urethra is very high as a result of using large-lumen instruments. Life-long complications from recurrent strictures may result. For indications in the specialist area of pediatrics, Richard Wolf supplies rigid endoscopes with different diameters, lengths and fields of view. Modular system solutions complement the product range with flexible endoscopes in the most advanced technologies for the treatment of patients ranging from newborns to adolescents.
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Pforzheimer Str. 32,
75438 Knittlingen,
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