Automatic external defibrillator / public access HeartStart OnSite Philips Healthcare

Automatic external defibrillator / public access HeartStart OnSite Philips Healthcare
HeartStart OnSite

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Available without a prescription,4 the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator is designed with innovative technology, based on extensive research and user feedback, that has produced a defibrillator so easy to set up and use that you can potentially save the life of a co-worker, friend, or anyone else stricken with sudden cardiac arrest. Weighing just 3.3 lbs., this small and lightweight defibrillator can be easily carried to the victim’s side Using clear, natural voice instructions, the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator guides you through each step of defibrillation. Designed to not slow you down or leave you behind, it paces and adapts voice instructions to your actions every step of the way. It even reminds you to call emergency medical services (EMS). On-demand CPR Coaching helps the stressed user recall their training. Ready when needed. Every meticulously built HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator goes through a 120 point test before it leaves the factory. On the job, the OnSite automatically conducts self-tests every single day, not just weekly. It performs over 80 different tests in all. Even the pads are tested for readiness.
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Veenpluis 6,
5684 PC Best
+49 40 28990

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