Wrist orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) Apollo Universal Breg

Wrist orthosis (orthopedic immobilization) Apollo Universal Breg
Apollo Universal

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Breg's Apollo Universal Wrist Brace provides optimum support, and at the same time, minimum blockage. This lightweight, yet highly durable product is certain to provide the utmost comfortabless, while also giving superior safety and protection. It is the perfect device for injuries such as wrist sprains, conditions such as carpal tunnel, and special cases such as the immobilization of the wrist. It sports a frame design of comfortable and delicate, yet sturdy foam material which enables it to universally fit any size (even a right or left hand fitting option), a modifiable double-closure system, a carefully constructed palmer stay design, and multiple models.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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