Long walker boot / articulated CROM Breg

Long walker boot / articulated CROM Breg

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The Bregg The Ultra CTS™ Ankle Brace, Controlled Range of Motion (CROM) Walker provides range of motion from 45° of plantar flexion and 45° of dorsiflexion with 7.5° increments. Near normal gait is achievable with the rocker bottom makes. The brace is considered ideal for Achilles tendon repairs. The brace is often used for post-operative use, acute trauma, moderate - severe ankle sprains, surgical stabilization after tendon/ligament repair, post ORIF, stable ankle and/or foot fractures. The cushioned heel and insole provides extra comfort. The upright moldable aluminum upright allows for a custom fit. Place straps along the uprights.
2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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