Thumb splint (orthopedic immobilization) / wrist splint / immobilisation Apollo Universal 10058, 10059 Breg

Thumb splint (orthopedic immobilization) / wrist splint / immobilisation Apollo Universal 10058, 10059 Breg
Apollo Universal 10058, 10059

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Constructed of a soft foam material, the Apollo braces are very comfortable. Since the size is universal for both left and right hands, restocking needs are reduced. The braces are designed to help individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, wrist immobilization, De Quervain’s syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The design provides desires thumb and wrist support. In addition to comfort, they also offer a secure fit thanks to an adjustable dual lacing closure. The palmer stay is contoured and malleable, and the dorsal stay can be positioned at the desired spot.
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2885 Loker Avenue East,
CA 92010
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