Veterinary electrolyte analyzer 60 tests/h | Biolyte 2008 Vet BPC BioSed

Veterinary electrolyte analyzer 60 tests/h | Biolyte 2008 Vet BPC BioSed
60 tests/h | Biolyte 2008 Vet

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Biolyte 2008 Vet has compact, economical and easy to use. It has decisive and reliable; processes up to 60 samples / hour and the report is available later 1 minute. Automatic analyzer microprocessor controlled that uses the technology of ion selective electrodes for the measurement of potassium , sodium , chlorine , calcium and Ph. On demand, Biolyte 2008 is provided with a sampler unit. It can interface via RS232 and is easily maintainable.
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Traversa del Grillo km. 0,600,
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