Automatic biochemistry analyzer 400 tests/h | Global 400-700 BPC BioSed

Automatic biochemistry analyzer 400 tests/h | Global 400-700 BPC BioSed
400 tests/h | Global 400-700

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The Global 400 - 700 is a compactable and reliable device for processing the clinical samples anytime with continuous access. The device is capable of simultaneously offering up-to 60 positions for reagents into the reagent compartment. The device is equipped with automatic repetitions with dilution of samples with results above linearity limit. The bar coded primary tubes enables Positive ID of samples. The thermostatic temperature control is read using 50 semi disposable plastic cuvettes. The sampling probe level detector is used for sampling process either in primary tube or secondary cup and each cuvette reading is noted with all the 9 availble wavelengths The Windows XP operating system offers a user friendly interface. The device includes Reagents Sensor Level and optional Barcode Reader
Traversa del Grillo km. 0,600,
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