Automatic urine analyzer 300 test/h | Reader 300 BPC BioSed

Automatic urine analyzer 300 test/h | Reader 300 BPC BioSed
300 test/h | Reader 300

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This semi-automatic product is a dry chemistry strip reader which works through the use of a reflectance photometer to read and interpret the urine strips. The operator needs to dip the strip in the sample then place it on the loading plate. This process is easy to use for laboratory diagnosis by utilizing specificity and high sensitivity. Because of this, pathological changes in the urine specimen are identified and interpreted quickly and reliably. The results will include the date and exact time of measurement, the sequence number, and ID. Such information will then be stored and can be printed out by the device's internal printer. The device can carry out about 800 tests per hour through the RS232 interface.
Traversa del Grillo km. 0,600,
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