Surgical laser / diode / tabletop 1550 nm | diomax® 1550 KLS Martin Group

Surgical laser / diode / tabletop 1550 nm | diomax® 1550 KLS Martin Group
1550 nm | diomax® 1550

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Flexibility, efficiency and maximum patient comfort - endovenous laser occlusion with the diomax® 1550 diode laser. Thanks to its high absorption in water and hardly any deviation of the laser beam in blood, this laser offers ideal properties for the gentle and effective treatment of venous insufficiency. Using the laser wavelength of 1,550 nm in conjunction with laser fibers emitting the light axially, spherically or radially enables surgeons to select the ideal type of treatment for each specific case - in clinical as well as economic terms.
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KLS Martin Platz 1,
Tuttlingen, Germany
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