Surgical laser / diode / on trolley veinSuite KLS Martin Group

Surgical laser / diode / on trolley veinSuite KLS Martin Group

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The first integrated solution ever for endovenous laser occlusion has its origin in the cooperation between KLS Martin and the leading specialists for mobile ultrasonic devices, Esaote® and SonoSite®. Using a common platform, the system combines the diomax® diode laser with an ultrasonic unit. Whereas the diomax® and its special accessories can be used for treating saphenous veins, lateral branches and perforating veins, the high-quality ultrasonic devices MYLABTMONE by Esaote and the S-series and NanoMaxx by SonoSite® are flexible diagnostic instruments that can be used for intraoperative monitoring as well.
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KLS Martin Platz 1,
Tuttlingen, Germany
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