Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley MCO 25plus, MCO 50plus KLS Martin Group

Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley MCO 25plus, MCO 50plus KLS Martin Group
MCO 25plus, MCO 50plus

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The KLS Martin is comprised with the new MCO 25plus/MCO 50plus CO2 lasers which proffer laser technology at its best. This device is comprehended with easy-to-understand operating philosophy with exceptional optical features. Complete with all the modernized innovative gadgets; make this CO2 laser unit so accessible that it can be used in any surgical activities for an immense assortment of indications. Both laser systems tender users many application-specific operating method, all of which are distinguished by highest accuracy and a tremendously low thermal shock on adjacent tissues. A good quality case in point in case is the Superpulse mode with its ultra-short pulse lengths of considerably less than 1 ms.
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KLS Martin Platz 1,
Tuttlingen, Germany
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