Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor min 9 L/mn | Pulmo-Aide® DeVilbiss Healthcare

Pneumatic nebulizer / with compressor min 9 L/mn | Pulmo-Aide® DeVilbiss Healthcare
min 9 L/mn | Pulmo-Aide®

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The DeVilbiss Pulmo-Aide is used for aerosol treatments and has been trusted for more than 30 years. This is made for use with TOBI controls and has a function that is easy to manage for a variety of functions. This is made to work with a compressor pressure level of 35 psig or greater and can run with a compressor air flow of 9 lpm or higher. This also works for around ten years or more on average and has a sturdy metal frame motor. The four-pole motor design makes this work for a while and the compartment can handle nebulizers. This comes with a five-year warranty.
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Kamenzer Str. 3,
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