CPAP ventilator 3 - 25 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Bilevel S DeVilbiss Healthcare

CPAP ventilator 3 - 25 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Bilevel S DeVilbiss Healthcare
3 - 25 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Bilevel S

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The IntelliPAP Bilevel S is made with patients that need high pressure levels in mind. This is made with 3-25 cm water pressure levels and can handle many different adjustable methods for making it running. This is designed with Flow Rounding technology to see that transitions from the IPAP to EPAP setups are made to work right. This can also work with many waveforms to make it sensible and easy to manage as you might require to have.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:17:"Ventilation mode:";s:3:"val";s:4:"CPAP";}}
Kamenzer Str. 3,
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