CPAP ventilator 3 - 20 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Standard Plus DeVilbiss Healthcare

CPAP ventilator 3 - 20 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Standard Plus DeVilbiss Healthcare
3 - 20 cm H20 | IntelliPAP® Standard Plus

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The IntelliPAP Standard Plus unit is a fixed pressure CPAP. Pressure settings can be adjusted within the range of 3 to 20 H2Ocm. The SmartFlex expiratory relief function features three relief settings, and also features a patented flow rounding method. The Smartflex function has been specifically designed to treat obstructive sleep apnea disorders. This small, compact 4.5 pound unit is extremely portable and can be taken along as a traveling companion when needed. It measures only 6.5 x 8.4 x 6.4 inches. The IntelliPAP has a remote control capability, an event detection feature, and an exhale relief function. Therapy management software provides detailed usage data which can be stored and transferred via a memory card. The IntelliPAP comes with a 3-year warranty.
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