Medical software / personal records CareAware iAware® Cerner

Medical software / personal records CareAware iAware® Cerner
CareAware iAware®

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CareAware iAware Adapter is created to electronically support a 3rd party's medical records. It also provides other departments the information required by them through its CareAware iAware platform. Making use of the most current service available, this adaptor helps in retrieving the clinical data from the EMR and display through the equipments provided with the set. This device works in two ways. Firstly it aims at taking the service provided by the main EMR vendor. Or it can also produce a layer which produces the queries to the main EMR solution system. Adaptor's this approach reduces its dependence on the EMR companies. The key feature of this device is that patient's information is provided in an easily accessible view. It also reduces the time requires to integrate the data of the patient there by decreasing the cost of maintaining HL7 interfaces. Since all the data is available at a single platform this device saves the time of a clinical staff who is looking for multiple information.
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2800 Rockcreek Pkwy,
Kansas City
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