Medical computer workstation / with video recording CareAware MultiMedia™ Cerner

Medical computer workstation / with video recording CareAware MultiMedia™ Cerner
CareAware MultiMedia™

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A primary component of any Electronic Health Record (EHR), the CareAware MultiMedia is used for digital imagery. With the capability to manage, store as well as access different forms of multimedia content that is generated in the facility of the clinicians ranging from radiology images and ECG’s, to digital videos, photos, scanned documents, waveform and audio data and much more that happens in the caring process. The CareAware MultiMedia is used to make sure that all the data is ready and available to clinicians, physicians and nurses and is simultaneously integrated in the EHR. Storing, managing and accessing all images during the heath care process become an easy and hassle-free task with this device. This people-central EHR is built in order to provide better and safer patient care. It helps in automating work flow images in order to create a visual or image-central EMR.
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2800 Rockcreek Pkwy,
Kansas City
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