Data management software / medical / laboratory CoPathPlus Cerner

Data management software / medical / laboratory CoPathPlus Cerner

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Cerner CoPath Plus is a must-have system in a pathological laboratory for advanced data management. It has been designed under the guidance of experienced pathological practitioners, to meet the needs of intelligent management and preservation of data, to generate a comprehensive and automatic workflow. It includes a comprehensive system for histology tracking, to generate a series of identification for slides and cassettes using 2-D barcodes. The PICSPlus equipment is there to capture and record gross as well as microscopic images. It also enables to attach and store consultation reports electronically. CoPathPlus Synoptic Reporting system is a tool for data entry for the diagnosis of cancerous cases. It uses pre-programmed CAP Protocol or case-defined checklists for the specimens of surgery. This flexible data entry system also enables entry of the result of molecular testing and storage of discrete data. CoMed is an online inquiry system that enables physicians to access results and case studies through internet.
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2800 Rockcreek Pkwy,
Kansas City
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