Knee continuous passive motion device FISIOTEK 3000 TS Rimec

Knee continuous passive motion device FISIOTEK 3000 TS Rimec

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The recent introduction of a new line of 5 CPM models allows for passive rehabilitation of the limbs. Fisiotek 3000 series is a device that can treat the knee and the hip through flexion-extension. The therapy rehab treatment can be customized according to customer requirements. It has a memory card for efficient patient data storage. FISIOTEK 3000 G is another version of the former, but without the memory card. It is good for patients requiring rehabilitative treatment after surgery. The FISIOTEK 3000 E is another device in the series that exhibits the most simplest operation in all the three. It is used mainly for post-operative rehabilitation where mobility has to be quickly acquired.
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Localita Braine, 57/A,
40036 Rioveggio (BO)
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