Knee continuous passive motion device FISIOTEK 3000 N Rimec

Knee continuous passive motion device FISIOTEK 3000 N Rimec

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CPM devices, brought by Fisiotek 3000 series is the most innovative and latest device intended for passive rehabilitation that mobilizes hip and knee through movement of flexo-extension. Like other devices belonging to Fisiotek 3000 series, this one is also operated by a non-stop current motor run by an electronic card equipped with microprocessor. On the exterior, a fixed console is there which is capable of programming each and every function, while a handheld remote control allows the patients to terminate and initiate the movement with use of STOP and START pushbuttons. All the models of the device come with Mobile Programming keyboard (optional), providing permission for controlling all the functions and moreover for placing responsibilities on the patients that collaborate in rehab session. The limb positioning area is easily adjustable based on the different sizes of limbs. For the purpose of adjusting it, one should be well aware of the length of patient's femur. The new CPM devices belonging to Fisiotek 3000 series incorporates new programmable features for customizing the rehab sessions, with primary focus on the patient’s clinical needs.
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Localita Braine, 57/A,
40036 Rioveggio (BO)
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