Hysteroscopy electrode / bipolar BipoTrode Richard Wolf

Hysteroscopy electrode / bipolar BipoTrode Richard Wolf

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This Bioptrode is a premium product that is used in HF gynecology. Gynecologists work with hysteroscopes and they need a product they can rely on to meet their standards. The Bioptrode is helpful for gynecologist during hysteroscopy in coagulation, exposure, and dissection. This tool has a natural stiffness. This allows the tool to be used in classic procedures such as hysteroscopy.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Application:";s:3:"val";s:25:"bipolar, for hysteroscopy";}}
Pforzheimer Str. 32,
75438 Knittlingen,
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