Automatic hematology analyzer BC-6800 Mindray

Automatic hematology analyzer BC-6800 Mindray

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In present times, laboratories need a reliable routine CBC plus 5-part diff WBC testing by way of high processing speed. In addition, they need different options that extend the analyzer’s output in the form of reticulocytes, nucleated RBCs, fluorescent platelet counts, etc. for wider clinical applications and research acitivities, but limited budgets restrict these needs. BC-6800 is here to solve the problem of limited budget availability. It uses SF Cube, which is a pathbreaking technology used for reliable blood cell analysis, including WBC differential, reticulocytes, and NRBC with efficient flagging. Using this technique involves reaction with proprietory reagents, where the targeted blood cells undergo 3D analysis using information from the scattering of laser light at two angles and fluorescence signals. The 3D scattergram helps to better identify and differentiate blood cell populations, especially revealing abnormal cell population undetected by other techniques. Additional parameters for further clinical applications include providing information about immature granulocytes, including promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes.

Keji 12th Road, South High-tech Industrial Park, Mindray Building
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