Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 300 - 450 tests/h | BS-380 Mindray

Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 300 - 450 tests/h | BS-380 Mindray
300 - 450 tests/h | BS-380

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The discrete, arbitrary access and floor-standing clinical chemistry analyzer undertakes 300 tests per hour, on a constant basis. However, this number can move up to 450 per hour. Large and medium-sized laboratories are prime beneficiaries of this product. The tests are performed with ISE (Cl, Na, K). Refrigeration of 24 hours is necessitated by the reagent tray. Reusable cuvettes are backed by auto-washing stations. The two-in-one mixing stirrer operates independently. Horizontal and vertical protection from crash, detecting the level of liquid and cleaning of automatic probes are functions of this device. The reversed grating mechanism has 12 wavelengths. The equipment carries out post-dilution and pre-dilution for samples. A bar code scanner is in-built in the device. The LIS interface of the product is bi-directional.

a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:10:"Operation:";s:3:"val";s:9:"automatic";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:24:"Options and accessories:";s:3:"val";s:13:"random access";}}
Keji 12th Road, South High-tech Industrial Park, Mindray Building
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