Automatic hematology analyzer BC-5380 Mindray

Automatic hematology analyzer BC-5380 Mindray

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The innovative BC-5380 Auto Hematology Analyzer makes use of three conventional technologies. From only 20uL of blood, this product can offer consistent and quick tests. The autoloader is able to grasp 30 tubes at a time, thus attaining a throughput of 60 samples per hour. Performance of the regular tests, management of patient reports, setting up of auto clinic and connecting to LIS server is all handled by the Windows based software. For updating of regular work flow, this device is the ultimate choice. Laser scatter differential accounts for excellent precision and distinguishes white blood cells on basis of size and complications in granule. Cell groups are separated with unmatched accuracy, owing to patent cluster algorithm. Verification of abnormal samples is aided by intuitive flagging information. The automatic sampling is quite adaptable. Independent closed tube compartment for STAT and capillary samples. Only special microtainer tubes are supported.

Keji 12th Road, South High-tech Industrial Park, Mindray Building
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