Aspirating fume hood / laboratory / ductless Ascent® Max D-Series ESCO

Aspirating fume hood / laboratory / ductless Ascent® Max D-Series ESCO
Ascent® Max D-Series

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The Ascent Max Ductless Fume Hood with transparent glass back wall is made of a stainless steel surface that will not rust or chip. There is a lip at the front edge of the work surface to contain any spills. It comes with a microprocessor that has audio and visual alarms in case to warn you of any dangers. This workstation has white, fluorescent lighting and a front service panel that provides easy access to all maintenance functions. There is a filter ID window that lets you see what type of filter is being used. The workstation has an antimicrobial coating that eliminates 99.9 percent of bacteria within 24 hours. The cabinet opens from the front, and the filters are replaced from the front. This allows you to push the workstation against a wall, which makes it ideal for labs short on space.
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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