Chemical fume hood / laboratory Frontier™ Acela EFA ESCO

Chemical fume hood / laboratory Frontier™ Acela EFA ESCO
Frontier™ Acela EFA

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The Esco Frontier Acela is a world class laboratory fume hood design platform with precisely tuned aerodynamics, outstanding user safety, total systems and design flexibility and energy-efficiency features. The device captures fumes quickly with the use of its unique hot zone baffles. The tapered fibre glass exhaust collar reduces airflow turbulence, static pressure loss, noise level and increases face velocity uniformity. Some of its key benefits include: excellent aesthetics, 5 degree sloped front, unique perforated baffle design with superior containment at 0.3 m/s, etc. The product is ASHRAE 110 certified/ EN14175 certified and UL Classified. Guaranteed high energy savings.
903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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