Class III isolator / aseptic Isoclean® HPI-P ESCO

Class III isolator / aseptic Isoclean® HPI-P ESCO
Isoclean® HPI-P

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This device offers 100 times better ISO Class 3 air cleanliness than competitors. Airflow and pressure are monitored in real time by a Sentinel Gold™ Microprocessor controller. Should the barrier isolation system be breached, the work zone and pass through areas of this device are able to be kept sterile using positive pressure. Negative pressure plenums surround the positive pressure work zones at the back and sides of the machine. The negative pressure systems also surround filter seals using Esco Dynamic Chamber™ plenum. During removal and insertion of items, Airlock pass-through interchanges prevent contamination. To allow glove changes, this device is equipped with safe-change cuff rings. Cleaning the device is easy.
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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