Aspirating fume hood / laboratory / ductless Ascent® Max C-Series ESCO

Aspirating fume hood / laboratory / ductless Ascent® Max C-Series ESCO
Ascent® Max C-Series

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The Ascent Max Ductless Fume Hood has a rust and chip-resistant work surface that does not produce particulates as it is made of grade 304 stainless steel. No solid or liquid spill goes beyond the work area because a lip at the work surface's front edge blocks the way. It also has the ability to alert you of unsafe conditions with audible and visual alams with the help of a Sentinel™ microprocessor control. And for a brighter workzone, it comes with a 5000k warm fluorescent light. Maintenance is a breeze as a service panel that opens up at the front makes the Ascent Max Ductless Fume Hood more accessible. The entire structure is coated with Isocide™ that removes within a day 99.9% of surface bacteria.
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903 Sheehy Drive, Suite F,
Horsham, PA
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