Today, February 4, is World Cancer Day. The goal is to raise awareness about cancer. The campaign theme this year is I Am And I Will.

The campaign is designed to resonate and inspire change and to increase global awareness. This 3-year campaign for impact began with a commitment to act in 2019, and to Progress is Possible in 2020. Today, in 2021, we are being urged to understand that together, all our actions matter.

I Am And I Will refers to the fact that all of our actions have an impact on the people around us. What we do affects our neighbourhoods, our communities and our cities. Not only that, our actions are felt across borders and oceans. This suggests that if we act collectively, we could command immense power, and we can use this power to create a healthier and better world - a world without cancer.

2019 - Commitment to Act
       2020 - Progress is Possible
           2021 - Together, all our actions matter

I Am, And I Will. My actions matter. Your actions matter. That is the message of World Cancer Day this year. Ask yourself what you can do, how you can contribute and how you can play your part in creating a brighter world.

Over the years, there has been significant progress, but the battle is not over. There is a need to further accelerate this progress. By committing to act together, we can reduce the global impact of cancer.

This year, on World Cancer Day, wherever you are and whoever you are, just remember that your actions have the potential to make positive change. And what could be more positive than a cancer-free world? #IAmAndIWill

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Cancer, World Cancer Day 2021, I Am And I Will World Cancer Day: I Am And I Will