Paper-free NHS by 2020

A review is looking at ways to improve England's National Health Service (NHS) IT, including electronic health records, to achieve a paper-free health and care system by 2020.

IT and patient safety expert Professor Bob Wachter has launched a review of computer systems across the NHS. The review, ‘Making IT work: harnessing the power of health IT to improve care in England’, will look at places where IT has worked well and those areas that need improving. It will also look at different ways to implement IT in healthcare as the NHS works towards being paperless by 2020.
“The NHS is one of the world’s largest health and healthcare systems, and one of its largest employers,” Professor Wachter said. “It’s essential that information technology across the NHS works well and can perform the tasks needed to deliver high-quality, safe and efficient care. I am looking forward to finding out about some of the great work taking place across the NHS and highlighting areas for improvement.”

See Also: Are EHRs Letting Patients Down?

Jeremy Hunt, Health Minister, announced the review last year and it will report back to government in June

“Improving the standard of care patients receive even further means embracing technology and moving towards a fully digital and paperless NHS,” Hunt said. “NHS staff do incredible work every day and we must give them and patients the most up-to-date technology – this review will tell us where we need to go further."

The review will consider the experiences of clinicians and trust leaders as well as the current capacity and capability of trusts’ IT systems. It will be formed of an advisory committee, the National Advisory Group on Health Information Technology which includes experts and patient representatives from England, Scotland, Denmark and the U.S..

This will include:

Ann Slee, ePrescribing lead for Integrated Digital Care Record and Digital Medicines Strategy with NHS.
Julia Adler-Milstein, associate professor at the University of Michigan.
Tim Kelsey, former national director for patients and information at NHS England. 

Sir David Dalton, chief executive at the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.
Christine Sinsky, a general internist in Dubuque, Iowa, who also serves on the American Medical Association's Advisory Panel on Physician Satisfaction.
'Patient advocate' Dave deBronkart.

Professor Wachter will make his recommendations to the National Information Board later this year.

Source: NHS

Image Source: NHS

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NHS, IT, review, paperless, 2020, overhaul Report on review: ‘Making IT work: harnessing the power of health IT to improve care in England’