Predictive maintenance techniques have been introduced in several industries to help determine the condition of equipment that is already in use to predict when maintenance should be carried out. This approach promises cost savings over routine, regular preventive maintenance, because tasks are performed only when necessary, rather than because the...
READ MOREIn today's medical establishments there are several ad-hoc, but often insecure, approaches to taking photos of patient's ailments in common use, making use of either phone or camera hardware. Most doctors wish to attach the resulting photos to their EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems, and be able to access them again quickly on-screen for...
READ MOREThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides better and stronger safeguards for personal data. It will protect all EU citizens and their data. GDPR was implemented in April 2016 and will be enforced in all EU Member States by the end of May 2018. Fines for failure to comply can be as high as €20 million or 4 percent of global turnover....
READ MORE3D printing has been in use since the 1980s as additive manufacturing. However, this technology quickly gained popularity in the 2000s, when people finally began to realise its importance and what it can actually do for the betterment of the human species. From 3D-printed shoes to vehicles, additive manufacturing has mastered almost...
READ MOREThe medical robotics market is expected to grow to $20 billion by the end of 2023. Rehabilitative and surgery robotics have gained an immense popularity in the recent few years. On the other hand, there are companies that have successfully managed to bring robotics to medication and pharma management, bring paralysed patients to walk again with...
READ MOREProf. Maged N. Kamel Boulos introduces his Keynote talk at the 4th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare, Angers, France, October 24, 2017. The Internet of Things (IoT) is made of sensors and other components that connect our version of the world made of atoms (i.e., us humans, our devices, vehicles, roads, buildings,...
READ MOREGradually, computerised health data is being implemented in hospitals or in doctor communities. Computerisation radically changes accessibility moving away from the comfort zone linked to paper and creating a new space for information systems. It thus reaches a New World literally and figuratively. One could compare the data ‘revolution’...
READ MORERevelations about Amazon’s “secret” 1492 project, where AI is meant to be applied in the health domain has continued to fuel the AI discussion and the future of digital health. Amazon’s 1492 seems to be the latest example of yet another attempt to utilise next generation networks, ever increasing computing power and more sophisticated data mining strategies....
READ MOREVenetia I. Kyritsi Corporate Communication & Public Relations Manager, eHealth Forum A couple of weeks ago I dropped my phone on a scorching pile of sand as one does when trying to manoeuvre a small niece (toys included), an extra-large beach tote, fishing gear, keys, lunch, water and coffee. Naturally, I grabbed...
READ MOREFirst of all, what is an Oracular Artificial Intelligence (OAI) system? Like any oracle, we describe it as any decision aid capable of providing its users with very accurate responses (ie, no more than one error out of 20) and little or no explanation for that advice. Deep learning systems that analyse masses in mammograms are an example of...