• Asset Management Systems

    Sir, Swiss law, you state in your Country Survey (Issue 2, 2010), provides "for the State to support healthcare only when the private sector cannot produce 'satisfactory results'. I believe some European governments should now seriously think about State support for private hospitals when public sector facilities cannot produce 'satisfactory results'....

  • Barcodes

    Sir, The article on what you call the 'humble' barcode ('Can Bar Codes Revitalise The NHS? Issue 3, 2010) leaves out one major issue. Substantial momentum had been building up to promote barcodes, as far as healthcare technology (medical devices) were concerned until late 2004, when the industry group Eucomed released its position paper. This tried...

  • The Netherlands - Vendors Team Up to Improve Interoperability of Radiology IT Systems

    November saw the second Dutch eRadiology test event take place at St. Antonius Hospital in Utrecht. The objective was to bring together pre-competitive vendors to iron out any integration problems with IT systems and to foster interoperability between them. The specificity of the Dutch system is the provision of a personal unique service number for...

  • Bulgaria - Public Discussion on Development of E-Health

    The Bulgarian Ministry of Health has released a call for ideas and comments on how e-health should be implemented in the country. The government's main objectives for e-health are to create an integrated information system to communicate and exchange data among existing institutions such as the National Health Insurance Fund, the National Social Security,...

  • February 20–24, Orlando, Florida

    HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organisation exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Its annual congress and exhibition is taking place in February 2011, in Orlando, Florida The event is sure to provide high-level healthcare...

  • 1-5 March, Hannover, Germany

    The overall motto of CeBIT 2011 is "The power of creativity and innovation". In just five short days, the CeBIT Global Conference provide a panoramic view of the digital world's mainstay markets: IT, Telecommunications, Digital Media and Consumer Electronics. In a hand-picked series of keynotes, talks and panels, top experts from around the globe...

  • Renewing Health Project: Pan-European Telemedicine Data Expected In 2012

    RENEWING Health (REgioNs of Europe WorkINg toGether for HEALTH), a European pilot project aimed at implementing largescale real-life test beds for the validation and subsequent evaluation of innovative telemedicine services, will have all of the participating nine regions running their trials by February 2011, with final results expected by autumn...

  • Proposed Health Priorities of Hungarian EU Presidency

    Miklós Szócska MD, the Hungarian Minister of State for Health outlined the priorities of the upcoming Hungarian Presidency of the European Council at the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) in October 2010. The overarching theme of the proposed health programme of the Hungarian Presidency will be 'Patient & Professional Pathways in Europe'. Planned...

  • Megatrends in Healthcare IT

    As we turn the corner towards a significant staging post (Healthcare Information Technology Management's fifth year of publication), we thought it worthwhile to attempt a snapshot of the key drivers of healthcare IT, as seen by experts, for the next 5-10 years. Opinions on the fine points vary. However, a meta-analysis of several leading sources...

  • Healthcare IT Reforms in the US

    Healthcare reform was a pillar of candidate Barack Obama's vision during his presidential campaign. In HIT's analysis of his plans (Issue 1, 2009), we speculated that, in spite of huge challenges, the Obama reform package – known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 – would trigger fundamental structural changes in the US healthcare...

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