• Ireland

    Minister Lacunches First National Electronic GP Referral System The Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD launched Ireland’s first national electronic GP referral system on Friday 27 January. A joint collaboration between the National Cancer Control Programme and the Irish College of General Practitioners, the new system is already in use with...

  • Another Successful IT @ Networking Awards

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers and the European Association of Hospital Managers is proud to present the Winners, finalists and nominees for the IT@networking Awards 2012 (IT@2012). These fifteen medical technology and healthcare IT projects came to brussels on the 18-19 January to battle it out to win the coveted IT@2012 trophy...

  • IT @ Networking Awards Winner 2009

    The very first IT @ Networking Awards took place in 2009 and was won by Dr. Pierre Biron and his team for The Health Information System of the Rhône- Alpes region (SISRA) and the Shared and Distributed Patient Record (DPPR). Rhône-Alpes is a French region with 6 millions inhab- itants. SISRA connects 55 hospitals (33%), and 66 % of its hospital beds....

  • The Systematisation of E-Health: Hungarian Examples

    Following my article written last year about the conception system, classification and situation of e-Health in Hungary I received numerous opinions, remarks, questions and ideas. It was interesting for me that health experts and informatics professionals working in other sectors see the problems and the possibilities from quite different perspectives....

  • Digital Pathology Software to Improve Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

    Its reliance on biomarker evaluation for diagnosis and treatment decisions makes breast cancer care a good example of personalised medicine. In addition to breast cancer biomarkers such as the oestrogen/progesterone receptor and the Ki-67 proliferation marker, HER2 (Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2) has received particular attention in the...

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    8th WHCC - Europe

    • IT
    • 27/04/2012

    The health systems of Europe are diverse. However they face many common challenges. These challenges are shared by health systems the world over,...

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    Swedish Universities Improve Medical Education with Sectra’s Visualisa

    • IT
    • 28/03/2012

    The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, has invested in the Sectra Visualization Table. Gothenburg thus becomes the second Swedish...

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    The EU eHealth Daily - Fresh European eHealth News Every Morning

    • IT
    • 23/03/2012

    The EU has a daily online journal which gathers a wide variety of news published on twitter by different actors in the field. If you are interesting...

  • Make I.T. Known: Marketing Strategies and Case Studies in the Healthcare Environment

    This book is a guide to marketing your IT department within and to your hospital, health system or organisation. Communicating and promoting the purpose of your IT department, its importance to the healthcare organisation, and how the IT team's efforts make everyone's job easier and more productive are crucial to your department's... and your personal...

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    Accenture Upgrades Technology for Management of $45 Million Health Sys

    • IT
    • 12/03/2012

    Accenture announced the competion of its recommended technology upgrade, as part of its work with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office...

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