• High-Quality Data Integration in Medical Information Systems

    Based on the Plug-in Architecture CARAMEL Authors Stefan Brüggemann 1 , Martin Rohde 2 OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Escherweg 2,26121 Oldenburg, Germany 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected]   The development and operation of the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of...

  • IT-Supported Discharge Management

    Authors Dr. Holger Pschichholz, IT Department , University Hospital Freiburg Agnesenstraße 6-879106 Freiburg, Germany Email: [email protected]   Dr. Johanna Feuchtinger Quality and Development in Care, University Hospital Freiburg Breisacherstraße 6279106 Freiburg,...

  • Health Cards in the Canton of Tessin

    Authors Dr . Marzio Della Santa , MPH, Project Leader Dr. Giuliana Corà, Scientific Collaborator Dr. Ignazio Cassis, MPH, Cantonal Doctor Department of Health and Social Affairs, Republic and Canton of Tessin, Bellinzona (Switzerland) www.retesan.ch Email: [email protected]...

  • Processes

    Helicia Herman We reflect at length in the hospital setting on the way to reconfigure the work processes, to replace old methods by new digital ones, or to digitise entire systems.   In this context, a possibility is the introduction of a system of managing patient data (‘Patient Data Management System’ or PDMS), which will...

  • Service-Oriented IT Architectures

    Author Udo Poth IT Director of the Isar Hospital at the Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Strategy for the Integration of PDMS (Patient Data Management Systems) The efficiency of clinical processes depends to a significant degree on the information systems...

  • Deciding for PACS

    Author Ing. Ruud J. van der Marel Business Manager Radiology St Franciscus Gasthuis Rotterdam, The Netherlands E-Mail: [email protected] The Sint Franciscus Gasthuis (SFG) is a 600-bed, general hospital in the north of the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands. Two years ago the hospital decided to ‘tool up’...

  • Projet OsiriX

    Authors Antoine Rosset MD Osman Ratib, MD, PhD Radiology Department University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected]   An Open Source Experience in Medical Imaging The “open source” movement in the field of data processing began in the 1980s. This movement...

  • Increasing Patient Safety Through IT

    Author Victoria Hospital Nigel Humble, Haematology Manager, Blackpool Victoria Hospital, United Kingdom Email: [email protected]   Nigel Humble, Haematology Manager, and Lisa Jones, Manager of the Anticoagulant Dosing & Advisory Service (ADAS), took first prize in the section for innovative...

  • Local Swedish Flow Model Gains Attention Across the World

    Author Jens Lindell IT Secretart Blekkingesjukhuset, Sweden Email : [email protected]   With a user-friendly graphic tool, every employee can follow each healthcare process straight from the intranet. The Flow Model has revolutionised work at Blekingesjukhuset, the hospital of county Blekinge, and...

  • Alliance for MRI

    For More Information: Alliance for MRI Secretariat European Society of Radiology Ms. Monika Hierath Neutorgasse 9 AT-1010 Wien Tel: +43 1 533 40 64 - 20 Email: [email protected] The “Alliance for MRI” was launched on 9 March 2007 at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) which took place in Vienna,...

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