• Digital Quality Manuals: Delivering More Efficient Quality Management

    Author Dr. Christian Utler Head of the QM Department University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany E-mail: [email protected]   The Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital The Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital consists of 14 centres containing more than 80 interdisciplinary, collaborative...

  • Modernisation of French Hospital Systems

    Author Corinne Gazeau , HIS Department Director, National Mission of the Support for Hospital Investment (‘Mission Nationale d’Appui à l’Investissement Hospitalier’) Paris, France Email: [email protected]   The investment in healthcare establishments must allow for building a healthcare...

  • The Need for Clinical Engagement

    Author John Ironmonger, Account Director, System C Healthcare, Warrington, England Email: [email protected]   ‘How many doctors,’ goes the old joke, ‘does it take to change a light-bulb?’ There are plenty of possible answers to this riddle. ‘It depends if the bulb was insured,’ is an American...

  • From Small-Talk to an EU ICT Prize

    Author Stéphane Chemouny , PhD, President and Director of Scientific Affairs, Intrasense, Montpellier, France Email : [email protected]   On March 16th 2007, Intrasense was awarded the European ICT Prize for its medical image review and aided-diagnosis software suite Myrian® at CeBIT, the world’s...

  • Avoiding Errors

    Helicia Herman Measures taken in the course of healthcare assistance can, in certain cases, cause harm to patients, even if originally the aim was to help.   A European study revealed that nearly four European citizens out of five (78%) considered medical errors in their country as a serious problem.   Reacting to...

  • Benefits of IT Investments in U.S. Hospitals

    Authors Lorin M. Hitt, Alberto Vitale Term Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.   Nick Beard, M.D., Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Email: [email protected]   Hospitals seeking rapid...

  • Clinical Knowledge Base Prevents Medical Errors

    Author Nick van Terheyden, MD Chief Medical Officer, Philips Speech Recognition Systems Email: [email protected]   Real-time availability of clinical information will improve patient safety Medical errors occur in any part of the treatment process and typically involve the wrong...

  • Integrating the Electronic Health Card in a Computerised Hospital Information System

    Authors Steffen Hayna 1 , Werner Krämer 1 , Paul Schmücker 2 1 Diakonissen-Stiftungs Hospital Speyer 2 University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, Faculty of Informatics, Germany Email: [email protected]   The wide-ranging implementation of the electronic patient...

  • The Trends in Healthcare IT Integration in Finland

    Authors Teemu Paavola, CEO LifeIT Plc Koskenalantie 16, FI-60220 Seinäjoki, Finland Tel. +358 (0)6 429 8800 Fax +358 (0)6 429 8801 Email: [email protected]   Kari Mäkelä Professor of Telemedicine,Tampere University of Technology Koskenalantie 16, FI-60220 Seinäjoki, Finland...

  • Intersectoral Communication

    In 2005, the association of healthcare IT manufacturers (VHitG) launched an initiative to permit the exchange of intersectoral information and structured documents in a medical context. The objective was to work on a selection of therapeutic procedures and to promote an exchange of data and process information leading to integrated care, as well their...

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