Rapid changes in the general populace and in the states of health and well-being, largely driven by technological advancements such as the Internet of Things, are prompting providers to adopt innovative ways to improve outcomes and deliver value. For instance, a new report predicts that by the end of 2020, 25 percent of data used in medical care will be collected and shared with health systems by the patients themselves. 

In the same timeframe, adoption rates of IoT-enabled asset tracking and inventory management systems in hospitals will have doubled worldwide, improving patient safety, staff satisfaction and operational efficiency.

The above trends in healthcare are just two predictions from the new report “Worldwide Health Industry 2018 Predictions” from research and consulting firm IDC Health Insights.

"The 2018 worldwide health industry predictions shed light on the trajectory of rapid technological developments that will impact healthcare and life science organisations as they navigate towards the future digital economy," says Mutaz Shegewi, research director, IDC Health Insights. "The health industry of the future will be shaped by organisations that were early to digitally transform, maintain a competitive edge, and ensure a state of technological readiness for it."

Here's the list:

Prediction 1: Dedicated resources for analytics

By 2019, more than half of life science and healthcare companies will have resources dedicated to accessing, sharing, and analysing real-world evidence for use across their organisations.

Prediction 2: Mobile engagement

Mobile engagement amongst life science companies, patients, and providers will have increased 50 percent by 2019, improving clinical trial recruitment and medication adherence.

Prediction 3: Increase in IoT-enabled inventory and tracking

By 2020, adoption rates of IoT-enabled device tracking and management of these systems will have doubled worldwide, improving patient safety, staff satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Prediction 4: Patients sharing data

By the end of 2020, 25% of data used in medical care will be collected and shared with hospitals/healthcare systems by the patients themselves.

Prediction 5: Robot implementation in large hospitals

By 2020, one in four large hospitals will have deployed robotics to handle time-consuming tasks, reducing labour and preventing errors to assist in operations and improve patient safety.

Prediction 6: Blockchain use in operations, patient ID

By 2020, 20 percent of healthcare organisations will have moved beyond pilot projects and will be using blockchain for operations management and patient identity.

Prediction 7: AI productivity gains

By 2021, 20 percent of healthcare and 40 percent of life science organisations will have achieved 15 to 20 percent productivity gains through the adoption of cognitive/AI technology.

Prediction 8: Outsource accounting

Driven by overwhelming data management requirements, 20 percent of payer office operations will have been shifted to BPaaS contracts by 2021.

Prediction 9: Medical device failures, lawsuits

By 2021, the world will have seen its first $100 million class-action lawsuit against a medical device manufacturer for negligence due to a cyberattack causing the death of more than 25 people connected to networked medical devices while hospitalised.

Prediction 10: Digital healthcare services grow globally

By 2021, healthcare services will account for six percent of global healthcare expenditures.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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HIT, Health Systems, Internet Of Things Rapid changes in the general populace and in the states of health and well-being, largely driven by technological advancements such as the Internet of Things, are prompting providers to adopt innovative ways to improve outcomes and deliver value. For inst