The European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) and the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to scale up collaboration and share their expertise and knowledge in the field of medical imaging informatics.

Both organisations have a common interest in the field of imaging informatics whose developments  will have an impact on the working environment of Radiologists, Radiographers and other radiology imaging professionals. Imaging Informatics has been recognised as a specialist area of expert practice for radiographers and support for ongoing development is essential. òRadiographers have been identified by EuSoMII as one of the most important user groups of imaging informatics.

The partnership between both organisations will focus on Education, Scientific research, Publication and distribution of statements, guidelines, white papers, educational material as well as online teaching courses and webinars.

In the long term, the Agreement could result in a European Certificate / Diploma in Imaging Informatics recognised by both organisations , with the idea to “professionalise” this kind of activities in those countries where no such certificate or diploma exists.


EFRS Quote

EFRS President Charlotte Beardmore welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with EuSoMII on areas of mutual interest in relation to informatics and is pleased to establish the MOU.  She said  ‘Radiographers have key informatic roles within Medical Imaging departments,  this  collaboration will importantly support delivery of joint activities, such as development of white papers and guidance documents at the European level and offer opportunities to deliver targeted education and support research in the field of informatics.  We look forward to working with EuSoMii and their executive board members in developing this programme of work.


EuSoMII Quote

EuSoMII President Elmar Kotter is enthusiastic about the cooperation between EFRS and EuSoMII. Both have strong common interests in the domain of Imaging Informatics. He said ‘The role of radiographers will change towards even more responsibilities in imaging informatics and radiographers will be key to the efficient implementation of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence’. EuSoMII is proud to cooperate with EFRS and its board members, to develop common educational and scientific activities, and to foster the future of Imaging Informatics in Europe.

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Radiologists, EFRS, radiographers, scientific research, Elmar Kotter , EuSoMII, European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics, Charlotte Beardmore, European Federation of Radiographer Societies, radiology imaging, EFRS and EuSoMII Partnership The European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) and the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to scale up collaboration and share their expertise and knowledge in the field of medical imagi